The wraps for St. Patrick's Day with the spinach tortillas looked so yummy in the pics. So I tried making them.
Cliff made the pico de gallo next to it. Mmmm!
Anyway. We had mixed reviews. I loved the cream cheese, but the mayo and sour cream may have been just a bit too much fat for even me. The bacon was awesome. We didn't have frozen spinach, so I just mixed in cut up lettuce.
I didn't love it, but I ate it.
The kids barely ate it.
But Cambria detested it.
She's not acting.
She really sat there scowling. The only reason she ate the rest of it was because of the lure of rainbow sherbet ice cream...
I have a curry chicken salad recipe I'll try sometime soon. I bet that will be good in a wrap!
Ohhh!!! Love the scowl. She does it GOOD!! LOLLLL